Kapow Primary invited us to create a series of four animated films as part of their new RSE (relationships and sex education) and PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) scheme of work. The films are aimed at upper key stage 2 students and cover the topics of the changing body, menstruation, conception and pregnancy.
We collaborated closely with the specialist team at Kapow to adapt their sensitive, informative scripts for animation. To strike the right balance in the classroom, Kapow wanted the films to have a straightforward, relatable tone with little moments of visual humour sprinkled in.
We developed a simple, colourful style that focussed on a group of four friendly characters. The characters appear at multiple ages and stages of development across the series. It was important that the design was fun and approachable while also being realistic enough to convey the necessary anatomical information.
The animation shown above is a compilation of excerpts from each of the films.
“Kapow Primary’s RSE scheme of work is impressive to say the least. The videos are really effective and play a big part in filling in the gaps that a lot of students have when it comes to RSE. It’s often difficult to present RSE content for primary pupils, but Kapow Primary has struck exactly the right balance. Exceptionally well thought through resources.”
If you have a project you'd like to talk about, we'd love to hear from you.