Two humorous animated films aimed at 5-7-year-old children introducing key aspects of financial education. These films were produced as part of a wider commission in which we also produced eight films aimed at 7-11-year-olds. Those films can be found here: Financial Education KS2.
For the younger age group we chose to use a friendly third person narrator to lead the viewer through the educational content. We created two cheerful (but somewhat hapless and naïve) characters, Maggie and Derick, who perform a series of fun, sketch-like scenes and occasionally interact with the narrator.
In the first film Maggie and Derick accompany us on a tour through the history of money from bartering to electronic payments. In the second film we contrast their attitudes to money and see them struggling to work out what is a ‘want’ and what is a ‘need’. There was a lot of information to cover in these videos, so we wanted to make sure they were entertaining and rich in visual humour throughout.
The video above is a collection of clips from the two films. The full films are available on BBC Teach.
Primary school children at KS1 level
Concept / Script writing / Storyboarding / Design / Direction / 2D animation / Character animation / Voiceover direction / Sound design / Production / Render and delivery
2x ~4 min animations
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